About Digital Network Express
Digital Network Express is an information technology consulting group located in Burbank, California.
We provide:
- Evaluation of your current systems and needs
- Microsoft and Novell certified installation,
upgrades and support for local area networks
- Microsoft certified installation, support and
upgrades for desktop computers
- Web page design, implementation and maintenance
- Web page hosting through a partnership with iPowerWeb
- Technical documentation
about the future? To help determine the right track to reach tomorrow's goals,
and to compete in today's fast paced business environment, business organizations,
regardless of size, need up to date information technology to store, process
and communicate accurate, current information.
Network Express will be there to help you determine your needs and to
install, update or expand your workstations and network as needed.
Thinking about creating or updating your web site to provide better
information and communicate with customers and vendors, Digital Network
Express will be there to help.
We are currently accepting new clients on a referral basis only at this
To contact us via email:
For local area network support: support@DigitalNetExpress.com
For web design: webdesign@DigitalNetExpress.com
Our mailing address is: Post Office Box 7254, Burbank, CA 91510-7254
Or to reach us by phone 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (no sales calls please):
Websites Created by Digital Network Express:
RailsWest.com - a web site for educators which provides information
about interpreting the role of railroads in the development of California and the American West. |
NoniTrader.com - a web site which introduces Noni juice and
other health products. Noni has been used by Polynesian islanders for thousands of years for its healthful benefits. |
Entire web site copyright 2002-2008, DigitalNetExpress.com, Burbank,
California. |